Rotor Arms - Rotor Arm - Equivalent to Lucas part number DRB113, DRB139, 54422044, 54419082 and RA13


Rotor Arm - Equivalent to Lucas part number DRB113, DRB139, 54422044, 54419082 and RA13

Rotor arm equivalent to Lucas part number DRB113, DRB139, 54422044, 54419082 and RA13. Popular applications include Land Rover V8, Range Rover V8, Rover P5B, Aston Martin, Morgan, Rolls Royce and Bentley, Triumph Stag, MGB GT V8. Wider rotor arm with no under hang at the back - for comparison with DRB195 when selecting. Fits distributor 35D8

@ £10.57/  Each  (exc. VAT)  (inc. VAT @ 20%)
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