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Approximate Shipping Charges

Zone GlobalMail
Europe 3 to 6 days
ROW 6 to 12 days
DHL Express Economy Select
3 to 7 days*
DHL Express Worldwide
1 to 5 days*
< 0.5kg < 2kg < 10kg < 2kg < 5kg < 10kg
*Remote locations are specific to each country and postcode and are determined by DHL. Transit time will typically be longer than indicated and rates will attract a £17.50 surcharge.
EU Zone 1 9.80 13.90 22.50 27.50 32.00 41.80
EU Zone 2 10.45 15.30 27.75 30.80 40.70 60.50
USA & Canada 15.95 N/A N/A 26.40 36.30 51.70
Australia & NZ 14.95 27.50 N/A 35.20 49.50 82.50
South Africa, India, Russia & Far East 14.00 27.20 N/A 35.20 47.30 71.50
Rest of World 14.00 27.20 N/A 44.00 66.00 93.50